As you can see in our catalogues, we produce canopies, fences, bicycle stands, containers, etc. but we wish to say something more about our products. After ten years of experience in steal constructions and working on many projects for individuals as well as for legal entities, we singled out specific program of urban and eco equipment produced in the firm Argus inženjering d.o.o. Mentioned producing programs get adequate treatment in newly opened sister company named Urbana oprema d.o.o URBAN EQUIPMENT which is reflected in:
- Product design entrusted to architects and designers
- Products quality according to ISO 9001 standards
- Special attention dedicated to durability of products
- Specially produced canopies and elements of textile architecture have optimized construction which leads to the lower price, durability and complete safety.
- Usage of recyclable materials
Our manufacturing facility is based in Temerin. We have 1200m2 of enclosed manufacturing space and we are equipped with all the necessary machines for production of urban equipment, eco equipment and wrought iron.
You can find our catalogues and technical descriptions of products on our website pages. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact any of our architects or engineers.