
Carousel of this type is a favorite among children between 5 and 7 years with a solid motor skills. The design is simple, the bottom panel and shaft and the bearing are connected with the anchor plate and the concrete socle, and on it has several brackets. Construction is compact, with no corners and is quite safe for this type of toy.

Enquiry Technical specifications

Vrteška separe
Savršena za druženje, deca sede na klupicama i komuniciraju dok neko od njih lagano vrti vrtešku. Princip je sličan kao kod prethodne sa veoma čvrstim uležištenjem, čelična konstrukcija i pocinkovani gazišni lim na podu sa sedištima od lakiranih šperploča obezbeđuju dug vek trajanja.

EnquiryTechnical specifications

Perfect for socializing, children sit on benches and communicate while one of them is slowly spinning carousel. The principle is similar to the previous with a solid bearings. Steel and galvanized sheet metal on the floor with the seats of varnished plywood ensure its long lasting

This carousel is great for rest and play for children up to 5 years, and carousel’s strength allows adults to use it as they play with their children.

Carousel of interesting design and very stable. It is intended for older children who may propel it by themselves.

Carousel of interesting design and very stable. It is intended for older children who may trigger it themselves.

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